Our son Matthew our daughter-in-law Lyndal and their three children have been staying with us since Christmas Day and because we had discussed having a seafood feast while they were here we planned a day to visit the Foster seafood shop to pick up some goodies for dinner. I had phoned the Seafood shop on Monday morning to see if they were open and if they had any crayfish and they did so we organised a day out around picking up the seafood we wanted. Crayfish are really cheap this year so we decided to splurge and get two and we also picked up bugs, oysters, prawns, scallops and squid. I also visited the bakery and picked up a crusty loaf we thought that the loaf a bit of simple salad and Robb's excellent seafood sauce would make up a great treat for dinner.
We left Foster and then drove on to Turton's creek for a bit of a look around, last time Robb and I tried to do this there were road works on the way that forced us to take a detour and get lost and I have wanted to go back ever since and thought this might be a nice outing for us all. We did find the falls this time and it is a very pretty area but now we have seen it we probably don't need to return for quite a while, it is a shame the council don't do a bit more to develop the surrounding area.

We drove from here to Port Albert for fish and chips for lunch on the jetty, we often stop here for lunch and it is very hit and miss but we thought the grandchildren would like fish and chips for lunch and may not be as fussy as us. There was a very long line waiting to get inside to place an order so I stood in line until Matt and Lyndal joined us so that we could all order together. Matt and Lyndal took our place in line and we took the children off to find somewhere to sit, we eventually found a table on the waterfront and then had a long wait to get our lunch. Unfortunately today was a miss day, we usually find the chips are not very good and the fish and potato cakes are excellent but today they were a bit below standard also, the children didn't mind too much though as they were really hungry. All up it was a good outing. We drove home ahead of the others because they were stopping in to see Matthew's brother on the way home.
