This show was just at the end of our road so we couldn't possibly miss it, a lot of work had gone into preparing this show by a lot of volunteers and local organisations and they should be very proud of their efforts. We found a good parking spot and started our tour with a visit to the tank that was operating at the time. We then moved onto the tractors and working machinery, it was interesting to see this old equipment operating and we admired the efforts of the Korumburra club who work on all this old equipment and bring it back to it's former glory. We then walked around the service group displays and the food tents, we are so lucky to have such dedicated volunteers on these service groups in our small community. The main display of vehicles was on the footy oval, there was a good variety of motorbikes, cars and trucks and we enjoyed walking around this display and catching up with people we know. We hope this show was a success for the groups involved and hope that we will see it back again next year.