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Port Douglas to Cairns

We left Mosman Gorge and continued onto Port Douglas, we hadn't spent much time there the previous day and we wanted a bit more of a look around so we parked in the same spot as the previous day. We walked up and down the main street and had a look through some of the shops and then we came across somewhere to have coffee so I found a table and Robb went in to order our drinks. We sat there drinking our coffees and watching the activity up and down the street, Port Douglas is a very popular spot and is always very busy. After coffee we walked back to the van and continued our trip to Cairns. On the way we saw people hang gliding so we pulled in to watch for a while. There was a young boy who was up next going tandem with one of the instructors, he was so excited we couldn't leave until we had seen him flying. Once he was suited up he had a quick training talk on how to stand and where to hold on and then they were off, it looked so simple. The scenery was beautiful at this particular spot, as it is along most of this coast line, so he must have had a great view of this fantastic area


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